Due to the extreme condition usage of high performance parts, they are sold without any express warranty of merchantable or fitness for purpose. Please be aware that high performance parts are intended for off road use only. Olds Performance Products distributes products that are manufactured by reputable companies who generally, but not always stand behind any defective new part. A product by most manufactures, although not necessarily all manufactures is deemed defective if it fails due to material failure or improper workmanship. Olds Performance Products are not factory replacement products and will often require modifications or adjustments to use. This is not a defect. Our responsibility to our customers is limited to the administration of our manufacturer’s warranty policy for alleged manufactures product defects, in a fair and prompt manner. Oldsmobile Performance Products will not give credit for defective parts until we receive official notification from the manufacture that they will issue credit to Olds Performance Products Inc. (sometimes an official answer from the manufacture can take up to two months or longer). Should the manufacture conclude that products deemed “defective” by customer actually not be defective after the manufactures review, than that manufactures product or products will be returned at the expense of the customer, or disposed of at the customer’s authorization. There will be a 20% restocking fee on all returns and shipping will be the responsibility of the customer. Under no circumstances will Olds Performance Products Inc. be responsible for labor charges for replacement of the alleged defective parts, damage alleged caused by the part, or any special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages. Products sold by Olds Performance Products Inc. are not emission or DOT legal and therefore are only intended for “off road” use.